How to choose lipstick based on your complexion?

Choosing the right lipstick is an aspect of primary importance to enhance the face, as it gives harmony to the features and it definitely completes the make-up with a touch of color.
Have you ever wondered which lipstick best suits you? When applying lip makeup you must take into account your complexion, the color of your hair and eyes, and the shape of your mouth. It’s usual to refer in the first place to our personal taste, but choosing a lipstick that you like and at the same time suits you gives unquestionably an extra edge to it!

Skin color: discover your undertone

When choosing the most suitable shade of lipstick, the colors that enhance and on the contrary those that detract from you, depend on your skin undertone. But what is the difference between tone and undertone? Il tono della pelle è quello che si descrive normalmente come chiaro, scuro, dorato; il sottotono può essere invece caldo, freddo o neutro. Il sottotono caldo è tendente al giallo, quello freddo è tendente al grigio e il neutro è una via di mezzo tra i due. Il principio che sta alla base di tutto è che i colori in contrasto con il proprio sottotono tendono ad accentuare le imperfezioni del volto – rughe, occhiaie, difetti della pelle -, mentre quelli in armonia col proprio sottotono celano le imperfezioni e danno una luminosità in più al viso.

Milky or very light skin lipstick

If you have very light, almost diaphanous skin, the best advice is to choose brightly colored lipsticks: pink, raspberry, cherry red. These shades will be able to enhance the color of your skin, avoiding the risk of making you appear too pale. Even intense colors like fuchsia are perfect, or if you prefer more natural tones you can opt for a nude, peach or coral. Brown tones are also highly recommended, but only if your skin undertone is cool. In short, if you have milky skin you will have a wide range of choices!

Light skin lipstick

Fair skin may appear pale, struggle to tan and very often has freckles and redness. If you have this type of skin – as well as milky skin – you have many choices. If you want natural make-up, the most suitable colors are light pink and nude, but also peach pink and coral, which are much more decisive and intense. The choice can also fall on brown or nude in shades of beige, but only if you have a cold undertone; otherwise, if you have a warm undertone, the best colors are light pink or peachy nudes.

Medium golden skin lipstick

The medium, or golden, skin appears clear but not porcelain like the previous ones. If you have this complexion, the ideal lipstick to show off is the one with an orange tone, for example coral, peach and orange. Raspberry, cyclamen and nudes tending towards powder are also highly recommended. For cold undertones, pink alternatives are perfect, such as mauve, burgundy and blueberry; for warm undertones it is preferable to opt for shades of bronze, copper and brick. In general, for those with this complexion it is better to avoid dark brown.

Olive skin lipstick

Olive skin favors bright, shiny lips. The most suitable lipstick colors if you have this complexion are orange and all those with an orange undertone, which match your skin tone perfectly. Pink, coral and red tones also make the lips stand out. If you want a volume effect, to plump your lips you can choose to apply a pink, plum or purple gloss, perfect for olive skin. Light lipsticks are strongly not recommended, nude is to be avoided – it is better to use it for eye make-up. Very strong colors, such as chocolate brown, are particularly suited to this type of complexion. Choose bronze tones if you have a warm undertone and wine if you have a cool undertone.

Rossetto pelle scura

Solitamente chi ha una pelle scura ha anche i capelli e gli occhi scuri. Se ti ritrovi in questa descrizione, punta nella scelta dei rossetti su tonalità altrettanto scure, come il bordeaux, il prugna e il marrone. Per chi ha un sottotono freddo sono preferibili le nuances del bordeaux e del vinaccia, per chi invece ha un sottotono caldo la scelta migliore è il bronzo, il marrone cioccolato e il rame. E’ meglio evitare i colori troppo chiari, in quanto darebbero al volto un aspetto innaturale.

Rossetto per pelle molto scura

Le labbra rosse sono un must have assoluto, capace di farci sentire sensuali e inarrestabili in qualunque momento. Il rosso è un colore che sa di passione, di coraggio e di voglia di apparire sempre al meglio. Proprio le pelli più scure sono tra quelle che possono giocare di più con questo colore. Un tono rosso fuoco e aranciato esprimerà tutta la vostra audacia e femminilità, optate invece per un rosso più delicato e tendente al freddo se ricercate un effetto più discreto, e volete comunicare un’allure di mistero.

Nude lipstick for those on who in looks bad and why!

Are we sure that nude or flesh-colored lipstick looks good on everyone? Or rather, on who does nude lipstick look bad?

To make the application of lipstick more precise, the lip contour with the pencil must be defined. Depending on the shade, nude lips often get lost in the rest of the complexion, so when you choose to apply a color that is close to that of the lips it is wise to use a lip pencil of a slightly darker shade. First you start by tracing the Cupid’s bow. Then, you outline the lower lip leaving the center of the lips bare and finally, I fill in the upper and lower lips using lip paint in nude shades.

Nude lipstick should reflect your personal mood, but it’s understandable that choosing neutral shades in cosmetics is absolutely not easy, especially when you are not used to neutral tones. Typically people with warmer skin undertones should opt for pink, mauve and warm brown nudes. While those with cold skin undertones can choose beige, peach, orange or cold browns. A shade like Unbuttod by Stunna Lip Paint is perfect. If you have a neutral undertone, choosing the most appropriate colors becomes easier. That said, regardless of your undertone, if you like a particular neutral color, use it and make it yours!.


When applying a nude lipstick you can emphasize any other area of ​​the face. For example, a particularly intense eye make-up with a bright eyeshadow and a cat-eye line, balanced with a natural face, a delicate blush and neutral lipstick could instantly create a glamourous diva. Also the monochromatic look which delicately highlights various points of the face is a must. For example, a neutral lipstick could be paired with a highlighter or a light dusting and a more neutral look with desert shades, finishing with two coats of black mascara.

4 simple steps to apply lipstick without smudging

Here is the step by step tutorial on how to apply your lipstick impeccably and without any smudges!

Making sure you know how to apply lipstick without smudging is the key to an impeccable result: a strategic application, in fact, allows you to dare with finishes and colors. In fact, if applied without having properly prepared the lips, not even a long-lasting lipstick can hope to survive the day. And, no, choosing a natural, nude shade won’t help you erase mistakes. This is why a well-studied routine is needed, which takes lip makeup to a new level of precision.

1 – Moisturize your lips

Having perfectly hydrated lips is essential for lipstick to have a truly long-lasting effect. Precisely for this reason, it is important to carefully take care of your lips every day, studying a routine that can always make the skin soft, avoiding chapping and hangnails. At least once a week, therefore, it is a good idea to use a delicate scrub, based on honey and sugar, to remove dead cells. Before applying lipstick, then, to avoid smudging, you need to use a nourishing balm. In this case, planning is everything: the lips, in fact, should be hydrated a few minutes before applying the lipstick, to allow the formulation to penetrate deeply without risking to ruin the final effect.

2 – Outline the lips with the pencil

The purpose of using the lip pencil is twofold: on one hand, in fact, it allows to enhance the shape, tracing a boundary to be respected to avoid lipstick smudges. On the other it is essential to play with color contrasts, but also to enlarge very thin lips. For a perfect application, the pencil should be used to outline the lip contour and should be blended towards the centre, starting from the outside and moving from bottom to top of the upper lip and from top to bottom of the lower one, paying particular attention to the cupid’s bow and the lip’s corners.

3 – Apply lipstick with a brush

Calmness is the key to applying lipstick without smudging. On the other hand, for absolute precision you can always rely on a special lip brush. Its ergonomic tip, in fact, is structured to hug the lips and apply the color without errors. In this way, it will be easy to follow the lip contour with ease, spreading the color evenly and without inaccuracies. The ideal would be to apply two light layers of lipstick, but only after waiting a few minutes between one and the other to allow the color to dry.

4 – Powder to set the make-up

To allow the lipstick to last all day, resisting all adversities, the secret is to use a veil of powder. To apply it, place a tissue in front of your lips and then use a brush to lightly dab the powder over the lipstick, ensuring colored lips and no smudging. Especially on the teeth.